The Automatik

Some New Romantic Looking For the TV Sound

Archive for December, 2001

From the Mouths of Babes

“If any of us write a song that’s negative towards a person or subject, Chris automatically thinks we’re singing about him,” claims Ferguson.

“Like ‘Good In Everyone’,” argues Murphy.

“It has nothing to do with you,” explains songwriter Pentland.

“It’s sarcastic about me,” contends Murphy.

“Holy cow,” sighs Pentland, “it’s so not about you.”
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Ocean’s 11: Dir. Stephen Soderbergh

Frank Sinatra called, he wants his movie back.

I don’t regret that I’ve never seen the original version of this film. Although a movie with Peter Lawford and Sammy Davis, Jr. does sound appealing, I don’t think I could stomach Ol’ Blue Eyes for two solid hours. In these times of fervent, almost paranoid nationalism, I will stand proudly by my statement that I do not like Frank Sinatra. I never have and probably never will.
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