Archive for April, 2010
That Arizona Law Everyone’s Talking About
It’s likely an understatement that the new Arizona law (SB 1070) regarding undocumented immigrants* has caused a huge controversy in the last couple of weeks.
There was a clip of Sheriff Joe Arpaio on TV saying that this law (paraphrasing here) doesn’t require police officers to just randomly ask people that look suspicious for their papers, it’s only done so with respect to a crime being committed.

“I’m smiling because I’m America’s Toughest Sheriff! If you don’t agree, you must be an ILLEGAL!”
That seemed like a pretty major oversight on the part of everyone who is upset over this, so I went ahead and looked up the actual text.
Here is what I discovered, copied and pasted DIRECTLY from the text of the law, no changes made, no emphasis made, nothing amended.
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