The Automatik

Some New Romantic Looking For the TV Sound

Happy Anniversary Katrina

I feel like I should say something about the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, but what can I say that hasn’t already been said, thought, or felt by everyone who has suffered or been damaged by it in some way?

It sickens me to see the vultures flocking around it again, just like they did the first few months after the initial phase of the tragedy, when it was considered newsworthy and a way to further people’s agendas.

It’s one year later and it’s still not over.
It’s one year later and I still think about it every day.
It’s one year later and I still cry whenever I let myself think about it too much.

It’s one year later and I never shy away from talking about it. Not for my sake but for the sake of those who suffered or were damaged in some way. And for those thousands of people and animals who died needlessly – not only due to the hurricane itself, but the negligence of those who managed to transform a natural disaster an unnatural one.

I am grateful to those who cared and those who helped and I am grateful for small glimmers of hope in an otherwise overwhelming maelstrom of sadness and despair.

It’s one year later but also one year closer to healing. More than anything else, I am grateful for that.


4 Comments so far

  1. Beth August 28th, 2006 7:05 pm

    This was well said Leslie.. just enough.. but not too much.

    And I also really adore your new layout + header. Bunnies, yes.

  2. kat August 29th, 2006 7:27 am

    i was literally just saying to your husband that i was not looking forward to being beaten over the head today with katrina stories especially concidering that no one has or will tell the whole truth of what happened last year and into this year.

    it’s the bandwagon weep fest that gets nothing done and makes a whole bunch of slimey journalists look like heros when they are really just explotative douchebags.

  3. Less Lee August 29th, 2006 5:08 pm


    And also: YAY BUNNIES!

  4. Less Lee September 1st, 2006 5:30 pm

    I wasn’t looking forward to it either. It’s like too little, too late, people. The only one who doesn’t totally annoy me (of the non-locals) is Brian Williams because he kept reporting on it long after jerks like Anderson Cooper lost interest.

    I was beyond annoyed when I read copious quotes from Doug Brinkley in the Globe and Mail (or some Toronto paper, not sure which). The guy can’t even get his facts straight in his book – apparently he thinks Trent Lott is a Louisiana senator. How embarrassing.

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